Thursday, September 9, 2010

my quarter-life crisis

The blessing and curse of the life of a 20-something is that it is defined by a complete lack of definition.

I’ve had several friends start blogs when embarking on a year-long adventure in London while studying overseas, during their Peace Corps term in the Far East or while backpacking through South America on a “journey of self discovery.” This summer, I began my own journey of self discovery when I quit my full-time job after only 9 months and joined the Youth Volunteer Corps for a year-long term as a Team Leader. The lessons learned and the challenges encountered in the months leading up to this decision have been numerous. I have been humbled by the fact that while I’m 29 years old and have more academic degrees than I know what to do with, I find myself serving tables again in order to pay the bills. I’m not supposed to be here. Or am I?

This blog is intended to be a place of reflection, conversation, questioning and challenge. Getting married, having kids, finishing college and/or grad school, getting divorced, beginning careers, changing careers, traveling, quitting, and experiencing is what we do; there is no perfect formula or any formula for that matter. This is my story made public because I know I’m not alone. This blog is my attempt to change my and others’ feelings of failure, disappointment and confusion into success, discovery, and intentional life living or at least let you know that you're not alone. This is my “quarter-life crisis.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog! Excited to hear about your life and compare your quarter-life crisis to my own. ;)